Friday, November 30, 2012

Indonesian business prospect is promising

Survey: Indonesian business prospect is promising

Wednesday, 28 November 2012, 19:45 WIB
Antara/Teresia May
Survey: Indonesian business prospect is promising
Some local tourists enjoy a tourist destination in Bangka Belitung. According to a survey by Business Confidence Index (BCI), tourism is among promising business sectors in Indonesia. (illustration)
Related News
REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA - About 83 out of 100 respondents in a survey conducted by Business Confidence Index (BCI) say that business prospect in Indonesia is promising. However, only 65 percent of respondents say of the ease of doing business here.
This survey involves senior executives of British companies. Chairman of British Chamber of Commerce (Britcham), Haslam Preeston, said that the gap portrayed contradictory in business environment in Indonesia.
BCI states that the most potential business sectors are retail, infrastructure, hotel and tourism, and service. "It also has significant challenges such as regulatory uncertainty, inefficient bureaucracy, slow infrastructural development and manpower issue," he said on Tuesday.
He recommended Indonesia to simplify governmental service to create more conducive atmosphere. He also urged Indonesia to consult and discuss with local and international business sector before implementing new regulation.
Chairman of Indonesian Investment Coordinating Board (BKPM), Chatib Basri, welcomed the result of BCI survey. He said that even though the ease of doing business in Indonesia was not as high as its business prospect, investors still put their money in Indonesia.
"The problem does not prevent them to come and invest in Indonesia," Basri said.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Selamat Kepada STPB - Bandung

" Kami mengucapkan selamat kepada SEKOLAH TINGGI PARIWISATA BANDUNG" 

29-Nop-2012 11:50      


Penandatangan Kerjasama antara Sekolah Tinggi Pariwisata Bandung dengan John College

Canada, 7 November 2012 | Dalam rangka peringatan 60 tahun hubungan diplomatic Indonesia-Canada, sekaligus penjajakan kerjasama dengan Mc. Gill University serta penandatanganan kerjasama dengan John Abbott College yang disaksikan oleh Duta Besar RI untuk Canada, Ibu Dienne H. Muhario. Sebagai langkah awal kerjasama, dalam bidang pertukaran tenaga pengajar John Abbott College dengan STP Bandung terutama dalam bidang bahasa Perancis.
Kegiatan yang lainnya adalah Kunjungan Kerja ke Leeds Metropolitan University adalah sebagai tindak lanjut kerjasama joint programme International Tourism & Hospitality Management, yang pada kesempatan ini pula ketua STP Bandung melakukan pertemuan dengan berbagai pihak guna kemajuan program di masa yang akan datang.

Serta berkesempatan juga untuk bertemu dengan Chairman Institute of Travel & Tourism (ITT), Dr. Steven Freudmann, serta Dr. Bill Maxwell, financial Director.  Dan disepakati bahwa ITT akan menunjuk STP Bandung sebagai international partner pertama di dunia untuk sertifikasi kompetensi manajerial di bidang Travel & Tourism.
   Sumber: Kementerian Pariwisata dan Ekonomi Kreatif Indonesia


Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Competency Standards for the Hotel and Restaurant industry in Indonesia.

Under the auspices of the Indonesian Australia Partnership for Skills Development Program, AusAID has funded the development of competency standards for the hotel and restaurant industry in Indonesia.
After extensive consultation with major Indonesian hotel and restaurant industry stakeholders, Perhimpunan Hotel dan Restoran Indonesia (PHRI) developed a benchmark set of standards for the industry in Indonesia. The following units of competency are based jointly on those of PHRI and the most recent Australian competencies. The standards have been circulated widely to senior personnel representative of all the relevant industry sectors and feedback has been obtained trough a range of methods including focus groups and official project committees.

detail information : FREE DOWNLOAD

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Indonesian Tourism Outlook

The government remains committed to supporting the tourism industry, with Minister of Tourism Mari Elka Pangestu, appointed in October 2011, reaffirming the target of 8mn international tourist arrivals for 2012 at a tourism conference in Jakarta. BMI shares the government’s optimism, though, after two very strong years of growth in 2010 and 2011, our core forecast is for Indonesia to consolidate recent gains with a slightly more measured rate of tourist arrival growth, to reach just under 7.9mn tourists by the end of 2012 and a total of 8.72mn tourists by the end of 2015.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Karakteristik Usaha dibidang Jasa Perhotelan

Karakteristik - SHIP

Usaha jasa perhotelan memiliki empat karakteristik yang khas yang menjadikan bidang jasa ini berbeda dengan bidang lainnya, untuk memudahkan mengenalinya maka digunakan singkatan SHIP yaitu;
  • Simultaneously of production & consumption ; Produksi dan konsumsi terjadi secara simultan, waktu yang tersedia untuk melakukan pengecekan kualitas produk relatif tidak tersedia. Mis., makanan harus disajikan dalam kondisi masih hangat yang diproduksi oleh bagian pengolahan makanan
  • Heterogeneous nature of product ; Sifat produk/jasa yang heterogen, berbagai vendor terlibat yang kendalinya diluar daripada manajemen. Mis., operator jasa pelayanan taxi yang dipesan melalui hotel
  • Intangibility of the product ; Berbagai produk besifat tidak tampak dan hanya bisa dirasakan oleh pelanggang. Mis., kenyamanyan, keramahtamahan
  • Perishability of the product ; Masa kadaluarsa produk. Mis., penjualan kamar yang tidak terisi pada hari yang telah terlewati, tidak akan tergantikan oleh hari lainnya